5 Mistakes to Doom Your Medical Assisting Job Interview

5 Mistakes to Doom Your Medical Assisting Job Interview

As you near graduation, starting your job search can be intimidating, especially when it comes time for the dreaded face-to-face interview. You may not realize it, but it’s just as easy to over-prepare for an interview as it is to under prepare.

At EBI Career College, our career services professionals are here to help you prepare for your next big interview, so you feel prepared and confident to show off the skills you’ve learned in training and show why you can be a valuable member of a medical team.

Here are five things to avoid at your job interview that can seriously damage your chances of landing a medical assisting position:

  1. Showing up late: Being a medical assistant means having others depend on you. Being tardy to an interview is a bad first step. Be sure to arrive 10-15 minutes early. This is your first chance to make a good impression.

  1. Being unprepared: Be sure to print off a few fresh copies of your resume, cover letters, references and/or letters of recommendation on hand for anyone who may sit in on your interview.

  1. Lack of focus: Becoming a medical assistant can open doors in the healthcare industry but don’t count your chickens before they hatch. You have a lot to prove in the medical assisting profession before you move on to the next big opportunity.

  1. The “my weakness is also a strength” thing: The interviewer knows you have a lot to learn as a medical assistant. Be honest. Find a weakness and spin it into showing your ability to honestly critique yourself, but also use it as a goal for self-improvement.

  1. NOT asking questions: The best way to show you are genuinely interested in a job is to ask questions of your interviewer about the job or the medical facility and their expectations on the job you are interviewing for. Sample questions include “What skills make the ideal candidate for this position?”; “How is success measured for this position (or at this company)?”; and “What is the next step in the process?”

Discover a new career at EBI!

Take the first step toward an exciting new career in the healthcare field. Complete your degree in as little as 16 months. To learn more about our Medical Assisting degree program in Vestal, NY, call 607-729-8915.

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