Medical Assistant Interviewing 101

Medical assistants seeking first time employment will find the job hunting and hiring process quite similar to any other entry-level employment. You have to search for openings, submit your resume and go through at least one interview. Through EBI’s Medical Assisting program, you should be all set to create a thorough resume, as well as receive job placement assistance. One of the things that rests entirely on your shoulders, intimidatingly, is the interview process. Interviewing for positions in the medical field isn’t too dissimilar from any other industry, but you’ll need to be ready for the kinds of questions thrown at you. The following is an overview of how to professionally handle your medical assistant interview.

Basic Interview Questions

Like any other job interview, you’ll be asked a number of general questions about yourself and your experience. Be honest here, but remember that you’re convincing the employer why you’re the best person for the position.

Technical Questions

After general questions, the interviewer will dive into your professional prowess and skillsets. This portion will likely be about technical skills such as a computer or administrative skills. It is highly important to be confident when answering these questions. Be specific. If you can’t think of an answer you’re comfortable with, revert back to your ambitious nature and willingness to learn, as well as your willingness to be a team player. 

Medical Questions

The time will inevitably come when the interviewer asks you about your medical knowledge. In medical assistant interviews, it is rare that the interviewer will ask specific medical questions about things like biology or treatment options. Instead, you’ll likely be asked about things like how you deal with patients, prescription drug protocol, and handling patient charts. Remember to be confident and sell yourself.

With these basic questions nailed down, you should have no problem in your first, second, fifth, tenth medical assisting interviews. If your first few interviews don’t go well, do not give up. Practice interviewing with someone, or even by yourself in the mirror. Use these questions to guide you, but the best way to become an expert interviewee is through practice, so be sure to practice the questions you’ve been asked by actual employers. Bring all talking points back to the tasks you’ll be doing as a medical assistant. Sell yourself and be confident. And remember, passion is the most powerful influencer you have.


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