Become A Registered Medical Assistant

The only real concrete requirement to be a medical assistant is education and training from an accredited institution, but ambitious medical assistants seeking career advancement are able to earn a number of different professional certifications. Students and working medical assistants alike can earn the Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) credential offered through American Medical Technologists (AMT). American Medical Technologists is a nationally and internationally recognized certification agency in the healthcare field that allows medical program graduates expand their knowledge and professional opportunities. Many healthcare employers today only actively seek out medical assistants with an RMA or similar accreditation. To become an RMA, medical assistants must pass an examination and meet certain requirements set by AMT and the National Commission of Certifying Agencies (NCCA).


Becoming a Medical Assistant


Eligibility Requirements

AMT offers four unique routes for applying and testing for the RMA (note that “recent graduate” means an applicant that has graduated within four years of applying):

AMT offers detailed guides and charts that applicants can use to determine their eligibility for the RMA exam found here.

The RMA Exam

The actual examination for RMA certification covers an array of medical and legal material, and requires extensive preparation. The exam application and study materials are not free, but are relatively cheap compared to the benefits of certification. The exam application fee is $120, and AMT offers two full-length practice exams as well as an online review course for $175 total. The exam itself consists of 120 multiple choice questions divided into three parts and has a completion time limit of two hours. A general outline of the exam is as follows:

Benefits and Maintenance

Earning the RMA has numerous benefits to a medical assistant’s career. The most obvious and most advantageous benefit is that possessing the RMA certification automatically makes any medical assistant more appealing to employers. It represents functional advanced knowledge of the medical field and of the various duties of a medical assistant. Other benefits include membership to AMT state societies, access to many publications and national networking opportunities, Career Connection job boards, and many more.

To maintain AMT certification all that is required is payment of an annual renewal fee, 50$ for the RMA, compliance with AMT’s Certification Continuation Program, and abidance of the AMT Standards of Practice, which can all be found on the AMT website at