Interview Questions You Should Be Asking

Preparing for an interview can be nerve-wracking, frustrating, and overwhelming. You might be so concerned with studying up on what questions the interviewer might ask you that you forget another important part – questions you should be asking them. In your preparation research you should always jot down things that you want to ask. If you end up forgetting to jot them down, or simply aren’t sure what to ask, here are some solid questions to ask your interviewer, plus some good etiquette tips.

Preparation & Etiquette

In any interview, preparation is paramount. Do your research. Find out all you can on the company, products and services they offer, clients, employees, executive management, and any other available information. Put yourself in a position in which you can answer, and ask, relevant, industry/company-aligned questions. The most important thing is to ask questions that are relevant. The goal of your questions is to let the interviewer know that you are knowledgeable, passionate, and interested. Also keep in mind that you want to ask questions as organically as possible as the interview progresses. Don’t try to rapid-fire your questions at the interviewer. When the inevitable part comes when the interviewer asks, “Do you have any questions for us,” you’ll be ready to ask your big questions in succession. There will be a time to fit in each of you questions, and some of them might even be answered without having to ask. If that’s the case, a simple, “I was wondering about that,” could be appropriate. Just remember to give input at natural breaks in the conversation. Never try to talk over or interrupt the interviewer. If you don’t think there a good time to ask questions at all, just wait until the end of the interview.  Also, be sure to make it aware that you are engaged and listening to the interviewer’s answers.

Asking the Right Questions

Below are some ideas to get you started asking the right questions during a formal interview:

Notice that none of these examples concern basic company information. Don’t ask questions that could be easily googled. Softball questions will get you nowhere. By asking the right kind of industry/position aligned questions, you’ll come across as confident and competent.

Ending on a Good Note

As your interview comes to a close you’ll want to wrap it up with questions that make you memorable. Often the interviewer will close it out by asking if you have any other questions you’d like to ask. Always ask about the next steps in the hiring process and try to tie up any loose ends. Some examples are:

Now is the time for your “heavy-hitter” questions. Try to make a personal connection, add some kind of extra value to yourself, or follow up with an in-depth question on a talking point brought up earlier in the interview. Here are some good examples to get you started:

With these questions in mind, you should be well prepared to make yourself stand out from other candidates and establish yourself as a confident, competent, ambitious prospect.