Essential Small Business Management Skills

If you are interested in managing your own business, you’ll need some important skills in order to achieve success. EBI’s Business Administration Program can help you achieve your small business goals, and along the way, EBI will instill in you some of these essential small business management skills.


Essential Small Business Management Skills


In both small details and your larger vision, stay organized. Keep your desk, computer, and files neat so you can easily find whatever you need. Plan ahead, and make sure your employees can plan ahead, too. Make a company calendar and list of company goals accessible to everyone. Know your goals, and keep a list of smaller goals that will help you realize your larger business vision.


Time Management

Managing your own small business comes with a lot of responsibility. You will juggle many duties and be tempted to work all of the time, so good time management is essential. Important aspects of strong time management include knowing and keeping deadlines, setting goals, and delegating. Of course, staying organized will help you manage your time more efficiently.


Problem Solving

Employees will need you to solve the day-to-day problems that crop up, especially when your business is young. Eventually, you should be able to train your employees to manage smaller issues on their own, but it will always be your job to solve bigger problems. Rely on your experts: who, in your company or outside it, has knowledge in certain areas? How can you leverage their skills to address specific issues? Remember, you don’t have to do everything alone.

Employee Empowerment

Making each employee feel valuable and connected to the success of your business will increase company morale and encourage motivation. If every employee knows that their work matters and contributes to the organization’s overall success, the business as a whole will be more successful.


In order to empower your employees, market your business, and network within your industry, you must practice good communication skills. Know your audience, and be transparent—especially with employees. Finally, ensure that your written and verbal communication are clear, concise, and grammatically correct.

Let Go

Some may call this “delegation,” but the phrase “letting go” underscores the fact that no manager or leader can control everything. Find employees who excel at things you are not as good at, and trust them to follow your leadership and give their all to the company’s success. Remember: it’s your job to work ON your business, not in it. Grow and develop it instead of micromanaging it.

Business Development

As leader, one of your most important tasks is to have a plan to grow your business. Your main job is to work on your business—to tend to it, re-evaluate your vision, and make goals. Don’t lose sight of the big picture by getting caught in details that do not help your overall growth trajectory.

How to Gain Essential Small Business Management Skills

EBI’s Business Administration Degree with a concentration in Small Business Management can take you down many possible paths. You will learn some of the above skills and so much more. If you’re interested in pursuing a career as a small business manager, act now. Learn more about EBI’s Business Administration Degree today!


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